Finally Put My Snow Tires On.

Kinja'd!!! "McMike" (mcmike)
01/17/2016 at 18:20 • Filed to: vanagon, drivewaymechanic

Kinja'd!!!6 Kinja'd!!! 9

And I’m pretty certian that it won’t snow here in the DC Metro area now.


Bored with the flat black I’ve had for years, I decided to !!!error: Indecipherable SUB-paragraph formatting!!! back in October.

Who likes guacamole?

Kinja'd!!! Kinja'd!!! Kinja'd!!! Kinja'd!!! Kinja'd!!!


Kinja'd!!! d15b > McMike
01/17/2016 at 18:27


Looks good, I like.

Kinja'd!!! Dr. Zoidberg - RIP Oppo > d15b
01/17/2016 at 18:46


I also like the guac

Kinja'd!!! jvirgs drives a Subaru > McMike
01/17/2016 at 18:49


I said this exact thing last week when I had finally gotten a covered parking space in my apt complex.

We did get a light dusting in Richmond this morning and it was glorious to walk out to a clean, dry car.

Kinja'd!!! jkm7680 > McMike
01/17/2016 at 18:50


Did you get the weak sauce snow earlier?

Kinja'd!!! -this space for rent- > McMike
01/17/2016 at 18:55


No snow in DC until after I fly out Thursday morning. Kthx.

Kinja'd!!! McMike > jkm7680
01/17/2016 at 19:04


Yeah, it was flurring for several hours today. Nice to see a little winter.

Kinja'd!!! Birddog > McMike
01/17/2016 at 19:13


Guac color is much better suited to wheels than food.

Kinja'd!!! Luc - The Acadian Oppo > McMike
01/17/2016 at 22:15


Guacamole was an excellent choice of color! very suiting on the funagon.

Kinja'd!!! Full of the sound of the Gran Fury, signifying nothing. > McMike
01/18/2016 at 02:42


Vanagons and guac - two of my favorite things...